Green Is the New Blue, a non-profit organization that strives to reduce the environmental impact of horse shows and calls equestrians to action for a more sustainable sport, is proud to partner with the CPI (College Preparatory Invitational) Horse Show, an organization that invites young riders to explore the college equestrian experience through education, competition, and college recruitment opportunities.
Refuse to Use signage at CPI New Jersey 2021.
In partnership with CPI, Green Is the New Blue developed an Environmental Essay Scholarship, Environmental Steward Championship, and a college fair feature to promote environmental studies. The Environmental Essay Scholarship inspires new ideas and raises consciousness of action in regard to our relationship with the planet. The Environmental Steward Championship gives students resume writing experience and identifies those serving as environmental leaders within their communities. Green Is the New Blue and the College Preparatory Invitational congratulate the winner of the Environmental Essay Scholarship Award, Anna Langan of NJ. In her essay, Langan discussed the potential for clean energy production and use on horse farms.
Anna Zygadlo of GNB speaks about Environmental Sustainability and Equine Careers.
At each of its events, the College Preparatory Invitational hosts educational speakers who inspire students to think about college and career opportunities.Green Is the New Blue representative Anna Zygadlo engaged students in a discussion around the topic of Environmental Studies and Equine Careers. A recent sustainability graduate and former working student, Zygadlo explained the unique opportunity within the equine industry for students to create their own careers based on their interests. For instance, an environmental consultant may work with horse farms and show venues to reduce waste, improve energy efficiency, and support biodiversity. Additionally, she discussed the major tenets of an environmental studies education and how this can be applied to all careers and aspects of life. In conclusion, Zygadlo covered sustainability in the barn and how students themselves can make an impact by implementing initiatives with a Green Team.
Green Is the New Blue encourages young riders to develop careers that better our planet, ideally returning to the equine industry in the future to improve the sustainability of the sport. To further this goal, CPI and Green Is the New Blue compiled a list of environmental programs offered by each school attending the college fair; it is published in the event program and on the CPI website.
Due to the intersectional nature of sustainability, colleges are actively increasing options for environmental minors or dual majors with the goal of improving sustainability in all careers. At the CPI college fair, students took advantage of the opportunity to learn more, visiting the Green Is the New Blue booth to ask questions about the different types of environmental programs and degrees. While some students were interested in environmental majors, there was also impressive enthusiasm from students interested in learning how they can combine environmental studies with their other interests.
Overall, Green Is the New Blue and the College Preparatory Invitational had a successful weekend at The Ridge in Asbury, New Jersey. Students were enthusiastic about sustainability, with many considering studying sustainability at some level in college. Additionally, students were interested in bringing what they learned back to the barn.
Environmental Majors in the CPI NJ Event Program.
For more information about the College Preparatory Invitational Horse Show, visit their website and follow them on social media. To find a full list of environmental majors offered by colleges attending CPI New Jersey, click here.