In the spirit of sustainability, Green Is the New Blue asked equestrians for photos of jumps they have designed using upcycled materials. We hope this inspires our Green Society to repurpose and get creative with course design.
Kadette Fossum repurposed and painted these arches from a home build site her father had worked on. The fillers were previously used as wooden forms to make brick archways.
Kadette also incorporated reclaimed wood from a 125-year-old farmhouse that sat decaying on her parents’ property. The wood was used to form the roofs of these wells.
These doors were also taken from the same farmhouse and repurposed to create a classic hunter jump.
All of the photos used in this edition of JumpCycle: Setting Greener Standards were submitted by Kadette Fossum, who runs S.H.O.E. at Fossum Farms in Waco, Texas. Safe Haven On Earth is a nonprofit working to rescue horses and find them forever homes. For more information, please visit
We would love to see what our Green Society has created. Send in your designs to be featured and help us “Set Greener Standards” in the equestrian sport. Email photos to with a brief background and you may see your jumps in one of our upcoming editions of JumpCycle.